Advanced Remote Sensing, Inc. is excited to announce that our Closed-form Method for Atmospheric Correction (CMAC) has been rebranded as RESOLV!

RESOLV is software as a service (SaaS) supporting no-delay surface reflectance conversion, monitoring and recalibration to assure high accuracy for each satellite.
RESOLV’s surface reflectance conversion is based on the mathematical structure of atmospheric degradation that sets a higher bar for accurate retrieval of surface reflectance. Below is an example RESOLV correction for 30-m Landsat 8 pixels.

Screenshot of August 3, 2021, Landsat 8 image of Okanagan Lake, British Columbia with forest fire smoke. NASA’s LaSRC, the current state of the art, has been recommended for correction of smallsat data so incorporates LaSRC issues. RESOLV will work for all VNIR satellites and improves as resolution increases due to reduction in spectral mixing.
Discover RESOLV: Experience a Demo With Our Cloud Pipeline App!
RESOLV Test application with RESOLV software is available in Cloud Pipeline:
• PlanetScope 3-m images – RESOLV-t (for terrestrial) and RESOLV-w (for water)
• Sentinel 2, 10-m data (surface reflectance for terrestrial, not calibrated for water)
• Landsat 8 & 9 30-m data (surface reflectance for terrestrial, not calibrated for water)